
Hello, I'm so glad you are here. My name is Michelle Steffens. My husband and I along with our five children live in a small town in Minnesota. We love taking advantage of all the things each season has to offer, boating, raking leaves, snowmobiling and jumping in puddles are a few favorites.

I became very interested in personal finance in my early twenties when I had to start making big financial decisions myself. I had an oppurtunity to fly to Dave Ramsey's office and attend Financial Coach Master Training in 2016. After completing the course, I did some coaching and enjoyed it but I was always thinking about ways we could prevent these financial burdens. I knew I wanted to help children become educated on personal finance to help avoid some of these hardships. In 2020, I completed Kelsa Dickey's Financial Coaching Toolkit, which was more education on finance. Shortly after I created Financially Fit Academy.

I LOVE personal finance and helping educate people so they feel in control and organized with their money.

In this course your child will learn about money and how to establish a healthy relationship with it.

30 Days Money Back Guarantee
This course includes:
  • 1 hour on-demand video

  • 6 months access

  • Downloadable resources

  • Access on mobile and PC

  • Certificate of Completion